Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tribute to Mom

Happy Birthday Mom

Mom and Linda, her first child on Mom's 80th birthday - two years ago.
Mom has lived in Roseville for the majority of her life.
Here is one of the many places Mom lived as she was growing up in Roseville.
Here are some fun facts about Mom:
  • Born in Los Angeles, California
  • Two sisters and two brothers
  • Moved to Roseville around age 5
  • Best friend: Norma
  • Married at 19 in Logan Temple
  • Seven Children
  • Lived in present house for 59 years so far
  • Loves holidays and decorates for each of them
  • Loves to read
  • Loves music - Warsaw Concerto and Clair de Lune - some her favorites
  • Loves the Scriptures
  • Attended Education Week (Leadership Week) for many years
  • Attended Know Your Religion for many years
  • Every grandchild feels her special love for them
  • Every great grandchild feels her special love for them
  • Loves the color blue
  • Crochets to relax
  • Enjoys meeting new people
  • She and Dad served a Stake Mission together
  • Has traveled to Eastern part of the United States and to Hawaii
  • Served as PTA President
  • Worked on Election Board since her early married years
  • Has always had a calling in her ward
  • Has lived in the same ward since she was 5.
  • Knows the Gospel and loves the Lord
  • Loves her family
  • And so, so much more -
Mom and most of her kids.
Happy, happy Birthday Mom, Grandma, GeeGee
We hope you have a wonderful birthday and remember how much we all love you...


Randy and Gayle said...
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Randy and Gayle said...

from Randy's memory bank - for Randy's 5th birthday Mom bought him a bike and hide it at Verna's house. Verna left it in her living-room. The next day she was asked to babysit Randy for a minute. Well he saw this bike and spent some time checking it out and sitting on it. When his birthday arrived and Mom walked out with this new bike Randy said "Verna is so nice she bought me a bike!!" Mom was kinda upset about this of course and quickly explained.

Also Randy still laughs when he thinks of this part - he was afraid to ride the bike (remember this was for the size of a 5 year old) so Mom got on the bike and rode it around to show him there was nothing to be afraid of. After he stopped laughing from seeing his Mom on that tiny bike he hopped on and started riding.

Happy Birthday Mom and thanks for the memories : )

carolyn said...

I would say I can remember Mom being in the kitchen always, but the best memory is waking up early on Thanksgiving or Christmas and sneaking into the kitchen, Mom would be cooking with only the light of the old white stove on. It would be very warm and smell really good! Such a warm happy feeling!