Sunday, January 17, 2010


I would like to first say I'm sorry for :
A. The timing, this was supposed to be done last week and I got bogged down by new grand daughter, grand child birthday...... yeah, just fill in the rest!
B. The picture, I couldn't find a better one and this needed to be done NOW!

So to say Linda is a big part of our lives is a total understatement. She is the oldest and has always been there for all of us!

Linda's best qualities are :



Always working to better herself

Her hands are never idle

Plays the piano beautifully

Helps us to remember our ancestors

Feeds the masses -- Family dinners!

Loves to read

Strong testimony of the Gospel

Always see what others would need.. then helps!!

The "go to" person when you need any helpful hints for, lessons, most any calling.

Great Mom/Grandmother

Her door is always open..(how many of you know the code to the garage???)

When Linda was sent to earth first I am sure we all said, OK, I can go down now, she will be there to help me!

I hope you had a fabulous birthday!!



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