Sunday, April 19, 2009

It was Tempel Day! Friday April 17th Sara Rae recived her own Endowments at the Sacramento Tempel. Grandma, Aunt Carna, Uncle JJ, Mom & Dad as well as what's his name (ok it's Gary) It was great going thru a session with the family. Also Tha CA. clan had a Bridal Shower, CArna and her gang of party givers did a great job. On to more wedding plans stay tune.


Roskelley Ramblings said...

Looks like a great family time. Nothing like having the family together for a temple time. Wish we could have been there to join you - but we will see you in June for the temple in Oakland. Love, Linda

carolyn said...

It was a perfect day, beautiful weather and a beautiful couple, what can I say. Oh yeah, I said it "it was beautiful"